Floating Point Exception with Numpy and PyTables Floating Point Exception with Numpy and PyTables numpy numpy

Floating Point Exception with Numpy and PyTables

Did you try to allocate such a big array before (like DaveP suggests)?

In [16]: N.empty((21000000,800,3))---------------------------------------------------------------------------ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)...ValueError: array is too big.

This is on 32bit Python.You would actually need 20e6*800*3*8/1e9=384 GBytes of memory!One Float64 needs 8 bytes.Do you really need the whole array at once?

Sorry, did not read post properly.

Your array with k=8 subslices is already about 4.1 GByte big. Maybe that is the problem?

Does it work if you use only 8 instead of 10 for the last dimension?

Another suggestion, i would try first to resize the array, then fill it up:

a = zeros((4,8,3))a = resize(a, (8,8,3))a[4:] = ones((4,8,3))