How can I get the x and y dimensions of a ndarray - Numpy / Python How can I get the x and y dimensions of a ndarray - Numpy / Python numpy numpy

How can I get the x and y dimensions of a ndarray - Numpy / Python

You can use tuple unpacking.

y, x = a.shape

height, width = a.shape

Note, however, that ndarray has matrix coordinates (i,j), which are opposite to image coordinates (x,y). That is:

i, j = y, x  # and not x, y

Also, Python tuples support indexing, so you can access separate dimensions like this:

dims = a.shapeheight = dims[0]width = dims[1]

ndarray.shape() will throw a TypeError: 'tuple' object is not callable. because it's not a function, it's a value.

What you want to do is just tuple unpack .shape without the (). Example:

>> import numpy>> ndarray = numpy.ndarray((20, 21))>> ndarray.shape(20, 21)>> x, y = ndarray.shape>> x20>> y21