How do I get numpy.einsum to play well with sympy? How do I get numpy.einsum to play well with sympy? numpy numpy

How do I get numpy.einsum to play well with sympy?

Einsum basically supersedes tensordot (not dot, because dot is normally using optimized linear algebra packages), code wise it is completely different.

Here is an object einsum, its untested (for more complex things), but I think it should work... Doing the same thing in C is probably even simpler since you can steal everything but the loop itself from the real einsum function. So if you feel like it, implement it and make more people happy...

I will not guarantee anything, especially not for weirder corner cases. Of course you can translate einsum notation to tensordot notation too I am sure, and that is probably a bit faster since the loops would end up being mostly in C...

Interestingly enough, adding optimize="optimal" worked for me

einsum('ik,jkim,j', A, B, C) yields error, but

einsum('ik,jkim,j', A, B, C, optimize="optimal") works perfectly well with sympy.

Here is a much simpler implementation that separates the einsum in multiple tensordots.

def einsum(string, *args):    index_groups = map(list, string.split(','))    assert len(index_groups) == len(args)    tensor_indices_tuples = zip(index_groups, args)    return reduce(einsum_for_two, tensor_indices_tuples)[1]def einsum_for_two(tensor_indices1, tensor_indices2):    string1, tensor1 = tensor_indices1    string2, tensor2 = tensor_indices2    sum_over_indices = set(string1).intersection(set(string2))    new_string = string1 + string2    axes = ([], [])    for i in sum_over_indices:        new_string.remove(i)        new_string.remove(i)        axes[0].append(string1.index(i))        axes[1].append(string2.index(i))    return new_string, np.tensordot(tensor1, tensor2, axes)

First it separates the einsum arguments in tuples of (indices, tensor). Then it reduces of the list as follows:

  • Takes the first two tuples, and evaluates a simple einsum_for_two on them. It also prints out the new indices signature.
  • The value of einsum_for_two is used with the next tuple in the list as the new arguments for einsum_for_two.
  • Continues until there is only tuple left. The indices signature is discarded and only the tensor is returned.

It is probably slow (but anyway you are using object dtype). It does not do many correctness checks on the input.

As @seberg noted, my code does not work for traces of tensors.