How do I use cx_freeze or py2exe, with xlwings, numpy How do I use cx_freeze or py2exe, with xlwings, numpy numpy numpy

How do I use cx_freeze or py2exe, with xlwings, numpy

I'm able to successfully cx_freeze xlwings with the following using python3.

from cx_Freeze import setup, ExecutablebuildOptions = dict(packages = [], excludes = [])base = 'Console'executables = [    Executable('', base=base, targetName = 'main.exe')]setup(name='foo',      version = '0.1',      description = 'bar',      options = dict(build_exe = buildOptions),      executables = executables)

And here there is another problem... When I want to run it in excel there is no response and no change.

Do you mean the code doesn't work before freezing it?