How to do linear regression, taking errorbars into account? How to do linear regression, taking errorbars into account? numpy numpy

How to do linear regression, taking errorbars into account?

Not entirely sure if this is what you mean, but…using pandas, statsmodels, and patsy, we can compare an ordinary least-squares fit and a weighted least-squares fit which uses the inverse of the noise you provided as a weight matrix (statsmodels will complain about sample sizes < 20, by the way).

import pandas as pdimport numpy as npimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltimport matplotlib as mplmpl.rcParams['figure.dpi'] = 300import statsmodels.formula.api as smx_list = [0.3333333333333333, 0.2886751345948129, 0.25, 0.23570226039551587, 0.22360679774997896, 0.20412414523193154, 0.2, 0.16666666666666666]y_list = [0.13250359351851854, 0.12098339583333334, 0.12398501145833334, 0.09152715, 0.11167239583333334, 0.10876248333333333, 0.09814170444444444, 0.08560799305555555]y_err = [0.003306749165349316, 0.003818446389148108, 0.0056036878203831785, 0.0036635292592592595, 0.0037034897788415424, 0.007576672222222223, 0.002981084130692832, 0.0034913019065973983]# put x and y into a pandas DataFrame, and the weights into a Seriesws = pd.DataFrame({    'x': x_list,    'y': y_list})weights = pd.Series(y_err)wls_fit = sm.wls('x ~ y', data=ws, weights=1 / weights).fit()ols_fit = sm.ols('x ~ y', data=ws).fit()# show the fit summary by calling wls_fit.summary()# wls fit r-squared is 0.754# ols fit r-squared is 0.701# let's plot our dataplt.clf()fig = plt.figure()ax = fig.add_subplot(111, facecolor='w')ws.plot(    kind='scatter',    x='x',    y='y',    style='o',    alpha=1.,    ax=ax,    title='x vs y scatter',    edgecolor='#ff8300',    s=40)# weighted predictionwp, = ax.plot(    wls_fit.predict(),    ws['y'],    color='#e55ea2',    lw=1.,    alpha=1.0,)# unweighted predictionop, = ax.plot(      ols_fit.predict(),    ws['y'],    color='k',    ls='solid',    lw=1,    alpha=1.0,)leg = plt.legend(    (op, wp),    ('Ordinary Least Squares', 'Weighted Least Squares'),    loc='upper left',    fontsize=8)plt.tight_layout()fig.set_size_inches(6.40, 5.12)


WLS residuals:

[0.025624005084707302, 0.013611438189866154, -0.033569595462217161, 0.044110895217014695, -0.025071632845910546, -0.036308252199571928, -0.010335514810672464, -0.0081511479431851663]

The mean squared error of the residuals for the weighted fit (wls_fit.mse_resid or wls_fit.scale) is 0.22964802498892287, and the r-squared value of the fit is 0.754.

You can obtain a wealth of data about the fits by calling their summary() method, and/or doing dir(wls_fit), if you need a list of every available property and method.

I wrote a concise function to perform the weighted linear regression of a data set, which is a direct translation of GSL's "gsl_fit_wlinear" function. This is useful if you want to know exactly what your function is doing when it performs the fit

def wlinear_fit (x,y,w) :    """    Fit (x,y,w) to a linear function, using exact formulae for weighted linear    regression. This code was translated from the GNU Scientific Library (GSL),    it is an exact copy of the function gsl_fit_wlinear.    """    # compute the weighted means and weighted deviations from the means    # wm denotes a "weighted mean", wm(f) = (sum_i w_i f_i) / (sum_i w_i)    W = np.sum(w)    wm_x = np.average(x,weights=w)    wm_y = np.average(y,weights=w)    dx = x-wm_x    dy = y-wm_y    wm_dx2 = np.average(dx**2,weights=w)    wm_dxdy = np.average(dx*dy,weights=w)    # In terms of y = a + b x    b = wm_dxdy / wm_dx2    a = wm_y - wm_x*b    cov_00 = (1.0/W) * (1.0 + wm_x**2/wm_dx2)    cov_11 = 1.0 / (W*wm_dx2)    cov_01 = -wm_x / (W*wm_dx2)    # Compute chi^2 = \sum w_i (y_i - (a + b * x_i))^2    chi2 = np.sum (w * (y-(a+b*x))**2)    return a,b,cov_00,cov_11,cov_01,chi2

To perform your fit, you would do

a,b,cov_00,cov_11,cov_01,chi2 = wlinear_fit(x_list,y_list,1.0/y_err**2)

Which will return the best estimate for the coefficients a (the intercept) and b (the slope) of the linear regression, along with the elements of the covariance matrix cov_00, cov_01 and cov_11. The best estimate on the error on a is then the square root of cov_00 and the one on b is the square root of cov_11. The weighted sum of the residuals is returned in the chi2 variable.

IMPORTANT: this function accepts inverse variances, not the inverse standard deviations as the weights for the data points.

sklearn.linear_model.LinearRegression supports specification of weights during fit:

x_data = np.array(x_list).reshape(-1, 1)  # The model expects shape (n_samples, n_features).y_data = np.array(y_list)y_err  = np.array(y_err)model = LinearRegression(), y_data, sample_weight=1/y_err)

Here the sample weight is specified as 1 / y_err. Different versions are possible and often it's a good idea to clip these sample weights to a maximum value in case the y_err varies strongly or has small outliers:

sample_weight = 1 / y_errsample_weight = np.minimum(sample_weight, MAX_WEIGHT)

where MAX_WEIGHT should be determined from your data (by looking at the y_err or 1 / y_err distributions, e.g. if they have outliers they can be clipped).