How to force numpy array order to fortran style? How to force numpy array order to fortran style? numpy numpy

How to force numpy array order to fortran style?

Use optional argument order='F' (default 'C'), when generating numpy.array objects. This is the way I do it, probably does the same thing that you are doing. About number 2, I am not aware of setting default order, but it's easy enough to just include order optional argument when generating arrays.

Regarding question 2: you may be concerned about retaining Fortran ordering after performing array transformations and operations. I had a similar issue with endianness. I loaded a big-endian raw array from file, but when I applied a log transformation, the resultant array would be little-endian. I got around the problem by first allocating a second big-endian array, then performing an in-place log:


In your case you would allocate b with Fortran ordering.