How to get type of multidimensional Numpy array elements in Python How to get type of multidimensional Numpy array elements in Python numpy numpy

How to get type of multidimensional Numpy array elements in Python

Use the dtype attribute:

>>> import numpy>>> ar = numpy.array(range(10))>>> ar.dtypedtype('int32')


Python lists are like arrays:

>>> [[1, 2], [3, 4]][[1, 2], [3, 4]]

But for analysis and scientific computing, we typically use the numpy package's arrays for high performance calculations:

>>> import numpy as np>>> np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]])array([[1, 2],       [3, 4]])

If you're asking about inspecting the type of the data in the arrays, we can do that by using the index of the item of interest in the array (here I go sequentially deeper until I get to the deepest element):

>>> ar = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]])>>> type(ar)<type 'numpy.ndarray'>>>> type(ar[0])<type 'numpy.ndarray'>>>> type(ar[0][0])<type 'numpy.int32'>

We can also directly inspect the datatype by accessing the dtype attribute

>>> ar.dtypedtype('int32')

If the array is a string, for example, we learn how long the longest string is:

>>> ar = numpy.array([['apple', 'b'],['c', 'd']])>>> ararray([['apple', 'b'],       ['c', 'd']],       dtype='|S5')>>> ar = numpy.array([['apple', 'banana'],['c', 'd']])>>> ararray([['apple', 'banana'],       ['c', 'd']],       dtype='|S6')>>> ar.dtypedtype('S6')

I tend not to alias my imports so I have the consistency as seen here, (I usually do import numpy).

>>> ar.dtype.type<type 'numpy.string_'>>>> ar.dtype.type == numpy.string_True

But it is common to import numpy as np (that is, alias it):

>>> import numpy as np>>> ar.dtype.type == np.string_True

fruits = [['banana'], [1],  [11.12]]for first_array in range(len(fruits)):    for second_array in range(len(fruits[first_array])):        print('Type :', type(fruits[first_array][second_array]), 'data:', fruits[first_array][second_array])

That show the data type of each values.