Image convolution at specific points Image convolution at specific points numpy numpy

Image convolution at specific points

I know that I'm responding to my own answer, I hope the code bellow carries further improvements, or it might be useful for other users.

The code bellow is a cython/python implementation:


def py_convolve(im, kernel, points):    ks = kernel.shape[0]//2    data = np.pad(im, ks, mode='constant', constant_values=0)    return cy_convolve(data, kernel, points)


import numpy as npcimport cython@cython.boundscheck(False)def cy_convolve(unsigned char[:, ::1] im, double[:, ::1] kernel, Py_ssize_t[:, ::1] points):    cdef Py_ssize_t i, j, y, x, n, ks = kernel.shape[0]    cdef Py_ssize_t npoints = points.shape[0]    cdef double[::1] responses = np.zeros(npoints, dtype='f8')    for n in range(npoints):        y = points[n, 0]        x = points[n, 1]        for i in range(ks):            for j in range(ks):                responses[n] += im[y+i, x+j] * kernel[i, j]     return np.asarray(responses)

Comparision with other methods

The following tables shows evaluation of 4 methods:

  1. My python method in the question
  2. The method from @Vighnesh Birodkar
  3. Complete image convolution with scipy
  4. My python/cython implementation in this post

Each rows, in order, correspond to those methods for 3 different images (coins, camera and lena from respectively) and each of the columns corresponds to a different ammount of points to calculate the kernel responses (is in percentages as meaning "calculate response in x% of the points of the image").

For calculating the kernel response in less than 50% of the points, my implementation is faster than convolving the whole image, but is not faster otherwise..

EDIT: kernel windows for the tests are 5x5 uniform windows (np.ones((5,5))).

['303x384']    1%     2%     5%    10%     20%     50%1            4.97   9.58  24.32  48.28  100.39  245.772            7.60  15.09  37.42  75.17  150.09  375.603            3.05   2.99   3.04   2.88    2.96    2.984            0.17   0.22   0.38   0.60    1.10    2.49['512x512']     1%     2%     5%     10%     20%     50%1            10.68  21.87  55.47  109.16  223.58  543.732            17.90  34.59  86.02  171.20  345.46  858.243             6.52   6.53   6.74    6.63    6.43    6.604             0.31   0.43   0.78    1.34    2.73    6.82['512x512']     1%     2%     5%     10%     20%     50%1            13.21  21.45  54.98  110.80  217.11  554.962            19.55  34.78  87.09  172.33  344.58  893.023             6.87   6.82   7.00    6.60    6.64    7.714             0.35   0.47   0.87    1.57    2.47    6.07

NOTE: times are in ms.

I don't know of any function that does exactly what you're asking. If instead of providing a mask of points to be convolved you provided a list of points ex. [(7, 7), (100, 100)] then it might be as simple as getting the appropriate image patch (say the same size as your provided kernel), convolve the image patch and kernel, and insert back into the original image.

Here's a coded example, hopefully it's close enough for you to modify lightly:

[EDIT: I noticed a couple errors I had in my padding and patch arithmetic. Previously, you could not convolve with a point right on the boarder (say (0, 0)), I doubled the padding, fixed some arithmetic, and now all is well.]

import cv2import numpy as npfrom scipy import ndimagefrom matplotlib import pyplot as pltdef image_convolve_mask(image, list_points, kernel):# list_points ex. [(7, 7), (100, 100)]# assuming kernels of dims 2n+1 x 2n+1rows, cols = image.shapek_rows, k_cols = kernel.shaper_pad = int(k_rows/2)c_pad = int(k_cols/2)# zero-pad the image in case desired point is close to borderpadded_image = np.zeros((rows + 2*k_rows, cols + 2*k_cols))# set the original image in the centerpadded_image[k_rows: rows + k_rows, k_cols: cols + k_cols] = image# should you prefer to use np.pad:# padded_image = np.pad(image, (k_rows, k_cols), 'constant', constant_values=(0, 0))for p in list_points:    # extract pertinent patch from image    # arbitrarily choosing the patch as same size as the kernel; change as needed    patch = padded_image[p[0] + k_rows - r_pad: p[0] + 2*k_rows - r_pad, p[1] + k_cols - c_pad: p[1] + 2*k_cols - c_pad]    # here use whatever function for convolution; I prefer cv2filter2D()    # commented out is another option    # conv = ndimage.convolve(patch, kernel, mode='constant', cval=0.0)    conv = cv2.filter2D(patch, -1, kernel)    # set the convolved patch back in to the image    padded_image[p[0] + k_rows - r_pad: p[0] + 2*k_rows - r_pad, p[1] + k_cols - c_pad: p[1] + 2*k_cols - c_pad] = convreturn padded_image[k_rows: rows + k_rows, k_cols: cols + k_cols]

Now to try it out on an image:

penguins = cv2.imread('penguins.png', 0)kernel = np.ones((5,5),np.float32)/25# kernel = np.array([[-1, -1, -1], [-1, 8, -1], [-1, -1, -1]], np.float32)conv_image = image_convolve_mask(penguins, [(7, 7), (36, 192), (48, 207)], kernel)plt.imshow(conv_image, cmap = 'gray', interpolation = 'bicubic')plt.xticks([]), plt.yticks([])

I applied a 5x5 box smoother and can't really see any change around pixel (7, 7), but I chose the other two points to be the tips of the two left-most penguin's beaks. So you can see the smoothed patches.enter image description hereenter image description here

Here is a lena512 image with 21 convolution points (time:0.006177 sec).enter image description here

[EDIT 2: An example of using a mask to generate a list of row, col tuples to feed in to the function.]

mask = np.eye(512)k = np.ones((25, 25), np.float32)/625list_mask = zip(np.where(mask==1)[0], np.where(mask==1)[1])tic = time.time()conv_image = image_convolve_mask(lena, list_mask, k)print 'time: ', time.time()-tic # 0.08136 sec

enter image description here

You can use the following code snippet. If you mask is sufficiently dense, it might not be that inefficient.

def mask_conv(img, kernel, mask):    out = filters.convolve(img, kernel)    return np.where(mask, out, img)

Some sample code

from skimage import data, draw, io, colorfrom scipy.ndimage import filtersimport numpy as npdef mask_conv(img, kernel, mask):    out = filters.convolve(img, kernel)    return np.where(mask, out, img)img = = np.zeros_like(img, dtype=np.bool)kernel = np.ones((9,9))/100circle =, 350, 100)mask[circle] = Trueout = mask_conv(img, kernel, mask)io.imshow(out)

Convolution with mask