Interpolate unstructured X,Y,Z data on best grid based on nearest neighbour distance for each points Interpolate unstructured X,Y,Z data on best grid based on nearest neighbour distance for each points numpy numpy

Interpolate unstructured X,Y,Z data on best grid based on nearest neighbour distance for each points

The problem you want to solve is called the "all-nearest-neighbors problem". See this article for example:

I believe solutions to this are O(N log N), so on the same order as KDTree.query, but in practice much, much faster than a bunch of separate queries. I'm sorry, I don't know of a python implementation of this.

I suggest you to go with KDTree.query.

You are searching of a carachteristic distance to scale your binning: I suggest you to take only a random subset of your points, and to use the Manhattan distance, becasue KDTree.query is very slow (and yet it is a n*log(n) complexity).

Here is my code:

# CreateTreetree=scipy.spatial.KDTree(numpy.array(points)) # better give it a copy?# Create random subsample of pointsn_repr=1000shuffled_points=numpy.array(points)numpy.random.shuffle(shuffled_points)shuffled_points=shuffled_points[:n_repr]# Query the tree(dists,points)=tree.query(shuffled_points,k=2,p=1)# Get _extimate_ of average distance:avg_dists=numpy.average(dists)print('average distance Manhattan with nearest neighbour is:',avg_dists)

I suggest you to use the Manhattan distance ( ) because it is was faster to compute than the euclidean distance. And since you need only an estimator of the average distance it should be sufficient.