Numba code slower than pure python Numba code slower than pure python numpy numpy

Numba code slower than pure python

The problem is that numba can't intuit the type of lookup. If you put a print nb.typeof(lookup) in your method, you'll see that numba is treating it as an object, which is slow. Normally I would just define the type of lookup in a locals dict, but I was getting a strange error. Instead I just created a little wrapper, so that I could explicitly define the input and output types.

@nb.jit(nb.f8[:](nb.f8[:]))def numba_cumsum(x):    return np.cumsum(x)@nb.autojitdef numba_resample2(qs, xs, rands):    n = qs.shape[0]    #lookup = np.cumsum(qs)    lookup = numba_cumsum(qs)    results = np.empty(n)    for j in range(n):        for i in range(n):            if rands[j] < lookup[i]:                results[j] = xs[i]                break    return results

Then my timings are:

print "Timing Numba Function:"%timeit numba_resample(qs, xs, rands)print "Timing Revised Numba Function:"%timeit numba_resample2(qs, xs, rands)

Timing Numba Function:100 loops, best of 3: 8.1 ms per loopTiming Revised Numba Function:100000 loops, best of 3: 15.3 µs per loop

You can go even a little faster still if you use jit instead of autojit:

@nb.jit(nb.f8[:](nb.f8[:], nb.f8[:], nb.f8[:]))

For me that lowers it from 15.3 microseconds to 12.5 microseconds, but it's still impressive how well autojit does.

Faster numpy version (10x speedup compared to numpy_resample)

def numpy_faster(qs, xs, rands):    lookup = np.cumsum(qs)    mm = lookup[None,:]>rands[:,None]    I = np.argmax(mm,1)    return xs[I]