Object Tracking: MATLAB vs. Python Numpy Object Tracking: MATLAB vs. Python Numpy numpy numpy

Object Tracking: MATLAB vs. Python Numpy

Python (with NumPy, SciPy and MatPlotLib) is the new Matlab. So I strongly recommend Python over Matlab.

I made the change over a year ago and I am very happy with the results.

Here it is a short pro/con list for Python and Matlab

Python pros:

  • Object Oriented
  • Easy to write large and "real" programs
  • Open Source (so it's completely free to use)
  • Fast (most of the heavy computation algorithms have a python wrapper to connect with C libraries e.g. NumPy, SciPy, SciKits, libSVM, libLINEAR)
  • Comfortable environment, highly configurable (iPython, python module for VIM, ...)
  • Fast growing community of Python users. Tons of documentation and people willing to help

Python cons:

  • Could be a pain to install (especially some modules in OS X)
  • Plot manipulation is not as nice/easy as in Matlab, especially 3D plots or animations
  • It's still a script language, so only use it for (fast) prototyping
  • Python is not designed for multicore programming

Matlab pros:

  • Very easy to install
  • Powerful Toolboxes (e.g. SignalProcessing, Systems Biology)
  • Unified documentation, and personalized support as long as you buy the licence
  • Easy to have plot animations and interactive graphics (that I find really useful for running experiments)

Matlab cons:

  • Not free (and expensive)
  • Based on Java + X11, which looks extremely ugly (ok, I accept I'm completely biased here)
  • Difficult to write large and extensible programs
  • A lot of Matlab users are switching to Python :)

I would recommend python.

I switched from MATLAB -> python about 1/2 way through my phd, and do not regret it. At the most simplistic, python is a much nicer language, has real objects, etc.

If you expect to be doing any parts of your code in c/c++ I would definitely recommend python. The mex interface works, but if your build gets complicated/big it starts to be a pain and I never sorted out how to effectively debug it. I also had great difficulty with mex+allocating large blocks interacting with matlab's memory management (my inability to fix that issue is what drove me to switch).

As a side note/self promotion, I have Crocker-Grier in c++ (with swig wrappers) and pure python.

  1. If you're experienced with both languages it's not really a decision criterion.

  2. Matlab has problems coping with real time settings especially since most computer vision algorithms are very costly. This is the advantage of using a tried and tested library such as OpenCV where many of the algorithms you'll be using are efficiently implemented. Matlab offers the possibility of compiling code into Mex-files but that is a lot of work.

  3. Matlab has parallel for loops parfor which makes multicore processing easy (or at least easier). But the question is if that will suffice to get real-time speeds.

  4. No comment.

  5. The main advantage of Matlab is that you'll obtain a running program very quickly due to its good documentation. But I found that code reusability is bad with Matlab unless you put a heavy emphasis on it.

I think the final decision has to be if you have to/can run your algorithm real-time which I doubt in Matlab, but that depends on what methods you're planning to use.