Overflow Error in Neural Networks implementation Overflow Error in Neural Networks implementation numpy numpy

Overflow Error in Neural Networks implementation


The logistic sigmoid function is proned to overflow in NumPy as the signal strength increase. Try to append the following code line:

np.clip( signal, -500, 500 )

This will limit the values in NumPy matrises to be within the given interval. This will in turn prevent the precision overflow in the sigmoid function.

>>> arrarray([[-900, -600, -300],       [   0,  300,  600]])>>> np.clip( arr, -500, 500)array([[-500, -500, -300],       [   0,  300,  500]])


This is the snippet I'm using in my projects:

def sigmoid_function( signal ):    # Prevent overflow.    signal = np.clip( signal, -500, 500 )    # Calculate activation signal    signal = 1.0/( 1 + np.exp( -signal ))    return signal#end

Why does the Sigmoid function overflow?

As the training progress, the network improves its precision. As this precision approaches perfection, the sigmoid signal will either approach 1 from below or 0 for above. Eg: either 0.99999999999... or 0.00000000000000001...

Since NumPy is focused on performing highly accurate numerical operations, it will try to maintain the highest possible precision and thus cause an overflow error. Note: This error message could be ignored by setting:

np.seterr( over='ignore' )