Passing a numpy pointer (dtype=np.bool) to C++ Passing a numpy pointer (dtype=np.bool) to C++ numpy numpy

Passing a numpy pointer (dtype=np.bool) to C++

It looks like the problem is with the array type declaration.According to the documentation at boolean arays aren't yet supported, but you can use them by casting them as arrays of unsigned eight bit integers.Here's a simple example that takes the sum of a 1D array of boolean values (the same as the sum() method would for a boolean NumPy array)

from numpy cimport ndarray as arcimport numpy as npcimport cython@cython.boundscheck(False)@cython.wraparound(False)def cysum(ar[np.uint8_t,cast=True] A):    cdef int i, n=A.size, tot=0    for i in xrange(n):        tot += A[i]    return tot

In your C++ code, depending on what you are doing, you may need to cast the pointer back to a bool, I'm not sure on that.

Edit: here's an example of how to cast the pointer in Cython, which should do what you want.I still had to type the array as an unsigned 8 bit integer, but I then cast the pointer back into a bool.

from numpy cimport ndarray as arcimport numpy as npfrom libcpp cimport boolcimport cythondef cysum(ar[np.uint8_t,cast=True] A):    cdef int i, n=A.size, tot=0    cdef bool *bptr    bptr = <bool*> &A[0]    for i in xrange(n):        tot += bptr[i]    return tot

If you want to pass the array in as a pointer, you could just use the following function in your Cython file:

cdef bool* arptr(np.uint8_t* uintptr):    cdef bool *bptr    bptr = <bool*> uintptr    return bptr

Which can be called as
