py2exe and numpy not getting along py2exe and numpy not getting along numpy numpy

py2exe and numpy not getting along

Seems like the problem mentioned on the bottom of this:

Looks like you need to make a few small changes to

psd.__doc__ = psd.__doc__ % kwdocd


if psd.__doc__ is not None:    psd.__doc__ = psd.__doc__ % kwdocdelse:    psd.__doc__ = ""

If you haven't seen this page already this is how I got there:

As others have mentioned, py2exe seems to require ugly, random fixes on a case-by-case basis... there appears to be no way around it. Also, some errors refuse to go away, and do not impact the program, but do cause the program to inform the user that an errors log was created after exit. To avoid that, I use this code:

import sysIS_USING_PY2EXE = hasattr(sys, "frozen")# Redirect output to a file if this program is compiled.     if IS_USING_PY2EXE:    # Redirect log to a file.    LOG_FILENAME = os.path.join(logDir, "myfile.log")    print('Redirecting Stderr... to %s' % LOG_FILENAME)    logFile = open(os.path.join(LOG_FILENAME),"w") # a --> append, "w" --> write    sys.stderr = logFile    sys.stdout = logFile

This might just me being stupid, but why dont you try to update your scipy from 0.8.0b1 to 0.8.0 and do the same with matplotlib? Numpy 1.4.1 should still be fine.