Python: Realtime audio streaming with PyAudio (or something else)? Python: Realtime audio streaming with PyAudio (or something else)? numpy numpy

Python: Realtime audio streaming with PyAudio (or something else)?

This has worked! Thanks for help!

def generate_sample(self, ob, preview):    print("* Generating sample...")    tone_out = array(ob, dtype=int16)    if preview:        print("* Previewing audio file...")        bytestream = tone_out.tobytes()        pya = pyaudio.PyAudio()        stream =, channels=1, rate=OUTPUT_SAMPLE_RATE, output=True)        stream.write(bytestream)        stream.stop_stream()        stream.close()        pya.terminate()        print("* Preview completed!")    else:        write('sound.wav', SAMPLE_RATE, tone_out)        print("* Wrote audio file!")

Seems so simple now, but when you don't know Python very well, it seems like hell.

This is really simple with python-sounddevice:

import sounddevice as, 44100)

As you can see in the examples, pyaudio just reads data from the WAV file and writes that to the stream.

It is not necessary to write a WAV file first, you just need a stream of data in the right format.

I'm adding the example below in case the link ever goes dead (note that I didn't write this code):

"""PyAudio Example: Play a WAVE file."""import pyaudioimport waveimport sysCHUNK = 1024if len(sys.argv) < 2:    print("Plays a wave file.\n\nUsage: %s filename.wav" % sys.argv[0])    sys.exit(-1)wf =[1], 'rb')p = pyaudio.PyAudio()stream =,                channels=wf.getnchannels(),                rate=wf.getframerate(),                output=True)data = wf.readframes(CHUNK)while data != '':    stream.write(data)    data = wf.readframes(CHUNK)stream.stop_stream()stream.close()p.terminate()