Recycling in Pandas Dataframe Recycling in Pandas Dataframe numpy numpy

Recycling in Pandas Dataframe

With numpy.resize -

In [199]: a = ['a','b','c']In [200]: np.resize(a,7)Out[200]: array(['a', 'b', 'c', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'a'], dtype='|S1')

Kinda, but it isn't as straightforward as it is in R.

from itertools import cycle, islicecyc = cycle(['a','b','c'])pd.Series(list(islice(cyc, 0, 7)))0    a1    b2    c3    a4    b5    c6    adtype: object

First, create an infinite iterator using itertools.cycle. Then, slice out a portion of this infinite iterator to retrieve just the number of elements you want, using itertools.islice.

Change 7 to as small or as large as you want your Series to be.