Scipy: speed up integration when doing it for the whole surface? Scipy: speed up integration when doing it for the whole surface? numpy numpy

Scipy: speed up integration when doing it for the whole surface?

In the end, this is what I've done:

F is cdf, f is pdf

F(5,5) = F(5,4) + F(4,5) - 2 *F(4,4) + f(5,5)

And loop through the whole surface, you can get the result.

The code would look like this:

def cdf_from_pdf(pdf):    if not isinstance(pdf[0], np.ndarray):        original_dim = int(np.sqrt(len(pdf)))        pdf = pdf.reshape(original_dim,original_dim)    cdf = np.copy(pdf)    xdim, ydim = cdf.shape    for i in xrange(1,xdim):         cdf[i,0] =  cdf[i-1,0] +  cdf[i,0]    for i in xrange(1,ydim):         cdf[0,i] =  cdf[0,i-1] +  cdf[0,i]    for j in xrange(1,ydim):        for i in xrange(1,xdim):             cdf[i,j] =  cdf[i-1,j] +  cdf[i,j-1] -  cdf[i-1,j-1] + pdf[i,j]    return cdf

This is a very rough approximate, and you can perfect the result by changing the +/- equantion into integration.

As for the original value and the margin, cdf[0,:] and cdf[:,0], you can also use integration as well. In my case, it's very small, so I just use the pdf value.

You can test the function by plotting the cdf, or check the value at the cdf[n,n]