Summing over pair of indices (or more) in Python Summing over pair of indices (or more) in Python numpy numpy

Summing over pair of indices (or more) in Python

For the MD example you give, it can be exploited by sorting, You can achieve O(N*Log(N)) instead of O(N^2)

y = [2,3,2,34]def slow(y):    tot = 0    for i in range(len(y)):        for j in range(len(y)):            if i != j:                tot += abs(y[i] - y[j])    return float(tot)/len(y)**2print slow(y)def fast(y):    sorted_y = sorted(y)    tot = 0    for i, yi in enumerate(sorted_y):        smaller = i        bigger = len(y) - i - 1        tot += smaller * yi - bigger * yi    return float(2*tot)/len(y)**2print fast(y)

Often you will have to use dynamic programming or other techniques to make these faster, I'm not sure if there is a "one method fits all" solution.