Theano Dimshuffle equivalent in Google's TensorFlow? Theano Dimshuffle equivalent in Google's TensorFlow? numpy numpy

Theano Dimshuffle equivalent in Google's TensorFlow?

There are three relevant ops for implementing Theano's dimshuffle in TensorFlow:

  • tf.transpose() is used to permute the dimensions of a tensor. If the pattern specified in the arguments to dimshuffle is a permutation of the input tensor's dimensions (i.e. there is no 'x' or missing dimension) you can use tf.transpose() to implement dimshuffle().

  • tf.expand_dims() is used to add one or more size-1 dimensions to a tensor. This handles the case where 'x' is specified as part of the dimshuffle() pattern, but does not reorder the existing dimensions.

  • tf.squeeze() is used to remove one or more size-1 dimensions from a tensor. This handles the case where a dimension is omitted from a dimshuffle() pattern, but it does not reorder the existing dimensions.

Assuming that the input is a vector, your example (dimshuffle(0, 'x')) can be expressed using tf.expand_dims() only:

input = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None])  # Defines an arbitrary-sized vector.result = tf.expand_dims(input, 1)print result.get_shape()  # ==> TensorShape([Dimension(None), Dimension(1)])

Taking a more complicated example, dimshuffle(1, 'x', 0) applied to a matrix would be:

input = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [128, 32])  # Defines a matrix.output = tf.expand_dims(tf.transpose(input, [1, 0]), 1)print output.get_shape()# ==> TensorShape([Dimension(32), Dimension(1), Dimension(128)])

I implemented dimshuffle for TensorFlow in our framework Returnn (here). The code is this:

def expand_multiple_dims(x, axes, name="expand_multiple_dims"):  """  :param tf.Tensor x:  :param list[int]|tuple[int] axes: after completion, tf.shape(y)[axis] == 1 for axis in axes  :param str name: scope name  :return: y where we have a new broadcast axis for each axis in axes  :rtype: tf.Tensor  """  with tf.name_scope(name):    for i in sorted(axes):      x = tf.expand_dims(x, axis=i, name="expand_axis_%i" % i)    return xdef dimshuffle(x, axes, name="dimshuffle"):  """  Like Theanos dimshuffle.  Combines tf.transpose, tf.expand_dims and tf.squeeze.  :param tf.Tensor x:  :param list[int|str]|tuple[int|str] axes:  :param str name: scope name  :rtype: tf.Tensor  """  with tf.name_scope(name):    assert all([i == "x" or isinstance(i, int) for i in axes])    real_axes = [i for i in axes if isinstance(i, int)]    bc_axes = [i for (i, j) in enumerate(axes) if j == "x"]    if x.get_shape().ndims is None:      x_shape = tf.shape(x)      x = tf.reshape(x, [x_shape[i] for i in range(max(real_axes) + 1)])  # will have static ndims    assert x.get_shape().ndims is not None    # First squeeze missing axes.    i = 0    while i < x.get_shape().ndims:      if i not in real_axes:        x = tf.squeeze(x, axis=i)        real_axes = [(j if (j < i) else (j - 1)) for j in real_axes]      else:        i += 1    # Now permute.    assert list(sorted(real_axes)) == list(range(x.get_shape().ndims))    if real_axes != list(range(x.get_shape().ndims)):      x = tf.transpose(x, real_axes)    # Now add broadcast dimensions.    if bc_axes:      x = expand_multiple_dims(x, bc_axes)    assert len(axes) == x.get_shape().ndims    return x

If tensorflow is your backend

from keras import baskend as KK.permute_dimension should do