Unable to load a previously dumped pickle file of large size in Python Unable to load a previously dumped pickle file of large size in Python numpy numpy

Unable to load a previously dumped pickle file of large size in Python

How about save & load the numpy array by numpy.save() & np.load()?

You can save the pickled list and the numpy array to the same file:

import numpy as npimport cPickledata = np.random.rand(50000000)f = open('foo.pck', 'wb')cPickle.dump([1,2,3], f, protocol=2)np.save(f, data)f.close()

to read the data:

import cPickleimport numpy as npf= open('foo.pck', 'rb')v = cPickle.load(f)data = np.load(f)print data.shape, data