Using lambda if condition on different columns in Pandas dataframe Using lambda if condition on different columns in Pandas dataframe numpy numpy

Using lambda if condition on different columns in Pandas dataframe

is that what you want?

In [300]: frame[['b','c']].apply(lambda x: x['c'] if x['c']>0 else x['b'], axis=1)Out[300]:0   -1.0998911    0.5828152    0.9015913    0.900856dtype: float64


use a vectorized approach

frame['d'] = frame.b + (frame.c > 0) * (frame.c - frame.b)


This is derived from the sum of

(frame.c > 0) * frame.c  # frame.c if positive


(frame.c <= 0) * frame.b  # frame.b if c is not positive


(frame.c <=0 )

is equivalent to

(1 - frame.c > 0)

and when combined you get

frame['d'] = frame.b + (frame.c > 0) * (frame.c - frame.b)