Very large matrices using Python and NumPy Very large matrices using Python and NumPy numpy numpy

Very large matrices using Python and NumPy

PyTables and NumPy are the way to go.

PyTables will store the data on disk in HDF format, with optional compression. My datasets often get 10x compression, which is handy when dealing with tens or hundreds of millions of rows. It's also very fast; my 5 year old laptop can crunch through data doing SQL-like GROUP BY aggregation at 1,000,000 rows/second. Not bad for a Python-based solution!

Accessing the data as a NumPy recarray again is as simple as:

data = table[row_from:row_to]

The HDF library takes care of reading in the relevant chunks of data and converting to NumPy.

numpy.arrays are meant to live in memory. If you want to work with matrices larger than your RAM, you have to work around that. There are at least two approaches you can follow:

  1. Try a more efficient matrix representation that exploits any special structure that your matrices have. For example, as others have already pointed out, there are efficient data structures for sparse matrices (matrices with lots of zeros), like scipy.sparse.csc_matrix.
  2. Modify your algorithm to work on submatrices. You can read from disk only the matrix blocks that are currently being used in computations. Algorithms designed to run on clusters usually work blockwise, since the data is scatted across different computers, and passed by only when needed. For example, the Fox algorithm for matrix multiplication (PDF file).

You should be able to use numpy.memmap to memory map a file on disk. With newer python and 64-bit machine, you should have the necessary address space, without loading everything into memory. The OS should handle only keep part of the file in memory.