Why does this implementation of multiprocessing.pool not work? Why does this implementation of multiprocessing.pool not work? numpy numpy

Why does this implementation of multiprocessing.pool not work?

Objects that you pass between processes when using multiprocessing must be importable from the __main__ module, so that they can be unpickled in the child. Nested functions, like funct, are not importable from __main__, so you get that error. You can achieve what you're trying by using a functools.partial instead:

from multiprocessing import Poolfrom functools import partialdef funct(arg1, arg2, value):    return arg1 * arg2 * valueif __name__ == "__main__":    t = [1,2,3,4]    arg1 = 4     arg2 = 5     pool = Pool(processes=4)    func = partial(funct, arg1, arg2)    m4 = pool.map(func,t)    print(m4)


[20, 40, 60, 80]