Why is it faster to perform float by float matrix multiplication compared to int by int? Why is it faster to perform float by float matrix multiplication compared to int by int? numpy numpy

Why is it faster to perform float by float matrix multiplication compared to int by int?

All those vector-vector and matrix-vector operations are using BLAS internally. BLAS, optimized over decades for different archs, cpus, instructions and cache-sizes has no integer-type!

Here is some branch of OpenBLAS working on it (and some tiny discussion at google-groups linking it).

And i think i heard Intel's MKL (Intel's BLAS implementation) might be working on integer-types too. This talk looks interesting (mentioned in that forum), although it's short and probably more approaching small integral types useful in embedded Deep-Learning).

If you compile these two simple functions which essentially just calculate a product (using the Eigen library)

#include <Eigen/Core>int mult_int(const Eigen::MatrixXi& A, Eigen::MatrixXi& B){    Eigen::MatrixXi C= A*B;    return C(0,0);}int mult_float(const Eigen::MatrixXf& A, Eigen::MatrixXf& B){    Eigen::MatrixXf C= A*B;    return C(0,0);}

using the flags -mavx2 -S -O3 you will see very similar assembler code, for the integer and the float version.The main difference however is that vpmulld has 2-3 times the latency and just 1/2 or 1/4 the throughput of vmulps. (On recent Intel architectures)

Reference: Intel Intrinsics Guide, "Throughput" means the reciprocal throughput, i.e., how many clock-cycles are used per operation, if no latency happens (somewhat simplified).