Why NUMPY correlate and corrcoef return different values and how to "normalize" a correlate in "full" mode? Why NUMPY correlate and corrcoef return different values and how to "normalize" a correlate in "full" mode? numpy numpy

Why NUMPY correlate and corrcoef return different values and how to "normalize" a correlate in "full" mode?

You are looking for normalized cross-correlation. This option isn't available yet in Numpy, but a patch is waiting for review that does just what you want. It shouldn't be too hard to apply it I would think. Most of the patch is just doc string stuff. The only lines of code that it adds are

if normalize:    a = (a - mean(a)) / (std(a) * len(a))    v = (v - mean(v)) /  std(v)

where a and v are the inputted numpy arrays of which you are finding the cross-correlation. It shouldn't be hard to either add them into your own distribution of Numpy or just make a copy of the correlate function and add the lines there. I would do the latter personally if I chose to go this route.

Another, quite possibly better, alternative is to just do the normalization to the input vectors before you send it to correlate. It's up to you which way you would like to do it.

By the way, this does appear to be the correct normalization as per the Wikipedia page on cross-correlation except for dividing by len(a) rather than (len(a)-1). I feel that the discrepancy is akin to the standard deviation of the sample vs. sample standard deviation and really won't make much of a difference in my opinion.

According to this slides, I would suggest to do it this way:

def cross_correlation(a1, a2):        lags = range(-len(a1)+1, len(a2))        cs = []        for lag in lags:            idx_lower_a1 = max(lag, 0)            idx_lower_a2 = max(-lag, 0)            idx_upper_a1 = min(len(a1), len(a1)+lag)            idx_upper_a2 = min(len(a2), len(a2)-lag)            b1 = a1[idx_lower_a1:idx_upper_a1]            b2 = a2[idx_lower_a2:idx_upper_a2]            c = np.correlate(b1, b2)[0]            c = c / np.sqrt((b1**2).sum() * (b2**2).sum())            cs.append(c)        return cs

For a full mode, would it make sense to compute corrcoef directly on the lagged signal/feature? Code

from dataclasses import dataclassfrom typing import Any, Optional, Sequenceimport numpy as npArrayLike = Any@dataclassclass XCorr:    cross_correlation: np.ndarray    lags: np.ndarraydef cross_correlation(    signal: ArrayLike, feature: ArrayLike, lags: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None) -> XCorr:    """    Computes normalized cross correlation between the `signal` and the `feature`.    Current implementation assumes the `feature` can't be longer than the `signal`.    You can optionally provide specific lags, if not provided `signal` is padded    with the length of the `feature` - 1, and the `feature` is slid/padded (creating lags)    with 0 padding to match the length of the new signal. Pearson product-moment    correlation coefficients is computed for each lag.    See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross-correlation    :param signal: observed signal    :param feature: feature you are looking for    :param lags: optional lags, if not provided equals to (-len(feature), len(signal))    """    signal_ar = np.asarray(signal)    feature_ar = np.asarray(feature)    if np.count_nonzero(feature_ar) == 0:        raise ValueError("Unsupported - feature contains only zeros")    assert (        signal_ar.ndim == feature_ar.ndim == 1    ), "Unsupported - only 1d signal/feature supported"    assert len(feature_ar) <= len(        signal    ), "Unsupported - signal should be at least as long as the feature"    padding_sz = len(feature_ar) - 1    padded_signal = np.pad(        signal_ar, (padding_sz, padding_sz), "constant", constant_values=0    )    lags = lags if lags is not None else range(-padding_sz, len(signal_ar), 1)    if np.max(lags) >= len(signal_ar):        raise ValueError("max positive lag must be shorter than the signal")    if np.min(lags) <= -len(feature_ar):        raise ValueError("max negative lag can't be longer than the feature")    assert np.max(lags) < len(signal_ar), ""    lagged_patterns = np.asarray(        [            np.pad(                feature_ar,                (padding_sz + lag, len(signal_ar) - lag - 1),                "constant",                constant_values=0,            )            for lag in lags        ]    )    return XCorr(        cross_correlation=np.corrcoef(padded_signal, lagged_patterns)[0, 1:],        lags=np.asarray(lags),    )


signal = [0, 0, 1, 0.5, 1, 0, 0, 1]feature = [1, 0, 0, 1]xcorr = cross_correlation(signal, feature)assert xcorr.lags[xcorr.cross_correlation.argmax()] == 4