Animation of CGAffineTransform in iOS8 looks different than in iOS7 Animation of CGAffineTransform in iOS8 looks different than in iOS7 objective-c objective-c

Animation of CGAffineTransform in iOS8 looks different than in iOS7

CGAffineTransformIdentity behaves differently on ios7 and ios8. This has to do with auto-layout and size classes. The solution is to remove constraints that conflict with the animation on ios7.

// solve the constraint-animation problemif(NSFoundationVersionNumber <= NSFoundationVersionNumber_iOS_7_1) {    // iOS7 remove constraints that conflict with animation    if (self.centerYAlignment != nil) {        self.view.removeConstraint(self.centerYAlignment) //is an IBOutlet     }} else {    // iOS8 constraint animations are fine}

I think the reason is just iOS8 bug, but I use CAAnimation instead, and it works as expected on iOS8.

I had problems with jerky rotation transform in iOS7 as well. Solved this by nesting my rotated view inside a container and centering the rotated view inside.