Crash Reporter for Cocoa app [closed] Crash Reporter for Cocoa app [closed] objective-c objective-c

Crash Reporter for Cocoa app [closed]

I've had a lot of success with UKCrashReporter. The code is straighforward and easy to modify to match the L&F of your app.

PLCrashReporter looks interesting, though.

I'd stay away from Smart Crash Reporter just because many users (rightfully) don't appreciate your app injecting code into unexpected places and it strikes me as a fragile (perhaps dangerous to use in a released app) approach.

Others have answered the question well and pointed to some good example code.

Coding it yourself is fairly simple. The strategy generally is:

  • catch appropriate signals
  • launch a separate crash reporter app that lives inside your application's bundle
  • the crash reporter app then finds the latest crash log entry for your app and sends it to you via whatever method you desire (POST, email, etc)