Crashlytics integration issue Crashlytics integration issue objective-c objective-c

Crashlytics integration issue

In the Build Phases of your target, click the + Add a Build Phase button in the bottom right and select Add Run Script. In the Crashlytics mac plugin, you should be given a run script to copy into this run script build phase. It will look like this:

./Crashlytics.framework/run <your api key>

Except your api key will be a 40 digit number provided by the plugin.

in your app delegate:

#import <Crashlytics/Crashlytics.h>

In didFinishLaunchingWithOptions write the following line to start your Crashlytics session.

[Crashlytics startWithAPIKey:<your api key>];

<your api key> is the same number in the run script.

Crashlytics collect crashes only when app run NOT in debug mode.

Here is quote from Crashlytics Knowelege Base:3. Then, make sure that a debugger is not connected. By default, Xcode will launch applications and attach a debugger. This will prevent the crash from reporting -- detach it!

Add Crashlytics framework in your Project and add your Crashlytics key in Build Phase -> Run Script as like in the following image.

enter image description here