Eternal scrolling UITableView Eternal scrolling UITableView objective-c objective-c

Eternal scrolling UITableView

You should establish a fixed number of cells and adjust your datasource when the user scrolls near the end of the tableview. For example, you have an array with 51 dates (today, 25 future and 25 past). When the app tries to render a cell near one of the borders, reconfigure your array and call reloadData

You might also have a look at the "Advanced Scroll View Techniques" talk of the WWDC 2011. They showed how you would create a UIScrollView which scrolls indefinitely. It starts at about 5 mins. in.

Two thoughts:

  1. Do you really need a UITableView? You could use a UIScrollView, three screens high. If end of scrolling is reached, layout your content and adjust scrolling position. This gives the illusion of infinite scrolling. Creating some date labels and arranging them in layoutSubviews: should not be too much of an effort.

  2. If you really want to stick to UITableView you could think about having two UITableViews. If scrolling in your first one reaches a critical point, spin off a thread and populate the second one. Then at some point, exchange the views and trigger the scrolling manually so that the user does not note the change. This is just some idea from the top of my head. I have not implemented something like this yet, but I implemented the infinite UIScrollView.