How can I pass a class name as an argument to an object factory in cocoa? How can I pass a class name as an argument to an object factory in cocoa? objective-c objective-c

How can I pass a class name as an argument to an object factory in cocoa?

You can convert a string to a class using the function: NSClassFromString

Class classFromString = NSClassFromString(@"MyClass");

In your case though, you'd be better off using the Class objects directly.

MyClass * variable = [factory makeObjectOfClass:[MyClass class]];- (id)makeObjectOfClass:(Class)aClass{    assert([aClass instancesRespondToSelector:@selector(reset)]);    id newInstance = [aClass createInstance];    [managedObjects addObject:newInstance];    return newInstance;}

It's pretty easy to dynamically specify a class, in fact you can just reference it by it's name:

id string = [[NSClassFromString(@"NSString") alloc] initWithString:@"Hello!"];NSLog( @"%@", string );

One other tip, I would avoid using the nomenclature 'managed object' since most other Cocoa programmers will read that as NSManagedObject, from Core Data. You may also find it easier to use a global NSNotification (that all your reset-able objects subscribe to) instead of managing a collection of different types of objects, but you're more informed to make that decision than I am.