How do you include SSZipArchive for IOS 5? How do you include SSZipArchive for IOS 5? objective-c objective-c

How do you include SSZipArchive for IOS 5?

After a lot of headaches, I figured out what was the problem. It turned out to be _Prefix.pch. I totally looked over it, but it turns out that I had the following line there:

#import "someclass.h"

This class was being loaded in with the .c-files of the minizip library, resulting in Objective-C headers being included in .c-files, which was something that XCode did not like. Wrapping these statements in an #ifdef statement fixed the problem:

#ifdef __OBJC__   #import "someclass.h"#endif

Refer to below link thats works with both iphone as well mac applications. Archive and Unarchive from app