Implicit declaration of function - C99 Implicit declaration of function - C99 objective-c objective-c

Implicit declaration of function - C99

I had this problem when I did a global replace of NSLog with DLog. I foolishly included the

#define DLog(...) NSLog(...

statements, so I ended up with

#define DLog(...) DLog(...

which caused the warnings, and a linker error.

Implicit function declarations are those that the compiler sees the first time used as a function call (as opposed to those where a prototype or the function definition is seen first).

Apparently your code used localize(foo) but the macro definition was not visible. Possible reasons: you forgot to #include the file containing the localize macro or the precompilation of headers went south an did not include the localize macro so it was left unexpanded.

Another "foolish" mistake I ran into was the fact that my DLog was defined in the prefix header of the iOS target, so I had to copy it over to the prefix of the OSX target, as well...