iPhone subview flip between 2 views iPhone subview flip between 2 views objective-c objective-c

iPhone subview flip between 2 views

Create another empty view in viewMain called viewHover and position it where you want the hover views to show. Then in IB add either viewHot or viewCold (not both) as a subview of viewHover.

Then call a method like this to flip the views:

-(void)flipViews{    [UIView beginAnimations:nil context:NULL];    [UIView setAnimationDuration:1.0];      [UIView setAnimationTransition:UIViewAnimationTransitionFlipFromRight forView:viewHover cache:YES];    if ([viewHot superview])    {        [viewHot removeFromSuperview];        [viewHover addSubview:viewCold];        [viewHover sendSubviewToBack:viewHot];    }    else    {        [viewCold removeFromSuperview];        [viewHover addSubview:viewHot];        [viewHover sendSubviewToBack:viewCold];    }    [UIView commitAnimations];}