library not found for -lPods library not found for -lPods objective-c objective-c

library not found for -lPods

Are you opening the workspace (that was generated by CocoaPods) instead of the xcodeproj?

I separated the app and the test targets in the Podfile by using

target :App do    …endtarget :AppTests do    …end

This resulted in two new products libPods-App.a and libPods-AppTests.a, respectively and they made the previous product libPods.a obsolete. I had to remove this product from the Link Binary With Libraries Section of the Build Phases configuration of both targets.

I ran into a similar problem today.

  1. I setup a new project
  2. I installed cocoa pods
  3. I created a new configuration Preview along with the existing Debug and Release
  4. Now when compiling on this new Preview configuration, the compiler would not be able to link with Pods and giving me this message:

    ld: library not found for -lPods

The solution:

What I had to do was to run

 pod install

again and thus configuring cocoapods for the new Preview configuration. It updated my project, the workspace and the Pod's project file and the problem disappeared