Objective-C DOM XML parser for iPhone Objective-C DOM XML parser for iPhone objective-c objective-c

Objective-C DOM XML parser for iPhone

If you want to use libxml2 with an Objective-C front without SAX events, take a look at this useful set of wrapper functions.

You issue an XPath query to your XML document object and get back Foundation class objects: NSArray, NSString, and NSDictionary, e.g.:

NSArray *queriedBuckets = PerformXMLXPathQuery(responseData, @"//*[local-name()='Buckets']/*[local-name()='Bucket']");

These functions help merge the speed of libxml2 with the readability and usability of Objective-C code.

Unfortunately, NSXMLDocument (which does what you're asking) does not exist on the iPhone. You may have to roll your own parser using libxml2, or try something like TouchXML or KissXML.

I suggest looking at the Google Data API for Objective-C (iPhone) at http://code.google.com/p/gdata-objectivec-client/

In particular, look at these files which define the GDataXMLNode class:
