Objective-C Float Rounding Objective-C Float Rounding objective-c objective-c

Objective-C Float Rounding

Use the C standard function family round(). roundf() for float, round() for double, and roundl() for long double. You can then cast the result to the integer type of your choice.

The recommended way is in this answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/4702539/308315

Original answer:

cast it to an int after adding 0.5.


NSLog (@"the rounded float is %i", (int) (f + 0.5));

Edit: the way you asked for:

int rounded = (f + 0.5);NSLog (@"the rounded float is %i", rounded);

For round float to nearest integer use roundf()

roundf(3.2) // 3roundf(3.6) // 4

You can also use ceil() function for always get upper value from float.

ceil(3.2) // 4ceil(3.6) // 4

And for lowest value floor()

floorf(3.2) //3floorf(3.6) //3