Objective-c: NSString to enum Objective-c: NSString to enum objective-c objective-c

Objective-c: NSString to enum

here's an implementation using NSDictionary and the existing enum

in .h file:

typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, City) {    Toronto         = 0,    Vancouver       = 1 };@interface NSString (EnumParser)- (City)cityEnumFromString;@end

in .m file:

@implementation NSString (EnumParser)- (City)cityEnumFromString{    NSDictionary<NSString*,NSNumber*> *cities = @{                            @"Toronto": @(Toronto),                            @"Vancouver": @(Vancouver),                            };    return cities[self].integerValue;}@end

sample usage:

NSString *myCity = @"Vancouver";City enumValue = [myCity cityEnumFromString];NSLog(@"Expect 1, Actual %@", @(enumValue));

Rather than use an array, why not use a dictionary; You have the colour NSString as keys, and you return whatever NSNumber you want. Something like; (Long winded for clarity).

NSDictionary *carColourDictionary = @{@"Red": @1,                                      @"Blue": @2,                                      @"White": @3};// Use the dictionary to get the number// Assume you have a method that returns the car colour as a string:// - (NSString *)colourAsString;int carColour = carColourDictionary[object colourAsString];

You could also put the values in an array.

NSArray *carColorsArray = @[@"red", @"blue", @"white"];

You can then use indexOfObject to get the index of a particular string.

car_colors carColor = [carColorsArray indexOfObject:@"blue"] + 1;