Reusing a wildcard appId to enable push notifications Reusing a wildcard appId to enable push notifications objective-c objective-c

Reusing a wildcard appId to enable push notifications

Do not confuse the app identifier and the bundle identifier. The bundle identifier is something like: and is defined by an app's info.plist

The app identifier has an additional prefix (usually the team prefix) and can be containing wild cards. The app identifier is used to match bundle identifiers to provisioning profiles. A profile is only valid for that app that matches (excluding the prefix)

Now what you want is to keep the bundle identifier the same, because if you change that it becomes a new app. But you can change the provisioning profile and app identifier with every update.

I was in a similar situation a while ago when I had published an app with wildcard app id and I added an IAP to it.

  • You just create a new (non-wildcard) app id that matches the bundle id.
  • You enable the Apple services (IAP, GC, APNS) you require on the app id.
  • You create new provisioning profiles to suit your needs (App Store, Ad Hoc, Development)

You can then submit an update for your app with the new profile but unchanged bundle id.

For Push Notification an appId is must.For a step by step process Use the two part tutorial of raywenderlich. Hope this will help you.