UIWebView throwing exception for [WebActionDisablingCALayerDelegate setBeingRemoved:] UIWebView throwing exception for [WebActionDisablingCALayerDelegate setBeingRemoved:] objective-c objective-c

UIWebView throwing exception for [WebActionDisablingCALayerDelegate setBeingRemoved:]

I found that by adding "-webkit-transform: translateZ(0px);" to the scrollable content (I have a div inside my scrollable container), it fixed the issue for me. Hope this helps.

Not sure if this is your case, but I also started seeing this problem on iOS 8 and we tracked it down to the usage of the following CSS property on an iframe:

-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;

After we removed it, we no longer had those error messages.

Note: in my case, it didn't happen in response to changing any constraints, but rather it happened while we were navigating through the HTML.

As none of the answers given could help me I had to resolve this issue with help of Objective-C runtime.

First I've provided a simple function:

id setBeingRemoved(id self, SEL selector, ...){   return nil;}

Then these two lines:

    Class class = NSClassFromString(@"WebActionDisablingCALayerDelegate");    class_addMethod(class, @selector(setBeingRemoved:), setBeingRemoved, NULL);

And it works.