What is the significance of #pragma marks? Why do we need #pragma marks? What is the significance of #pragma marks? Why do we need #pragma marks? objective-c objective-c

What is the significance of #pragma marks? Why do we need #pragma marks?

#pragma mark directives show up in Xcode in the menus for direct access to methods. They have no impact on the program at all.

For example, using it with Xcode 4 will make those items appear directly in the Jump Bar.

There is a special pragma mark - which creates a line.

enter image description here

#pragma mark is used to tag the group of methods so you may easily find and detect methods from the Jump Bar. It may help you when your code files reach about 1000 lines and you want to find methods quickly through the category from Jump box.

In a long program it becomes difficult to remember and find a method name. So pragma mark allows you to categorize methods according to the work they do. For example, you tagged some tag for Table View Protocol Methods, AlertView Methods, Init Methods, Declaration etc.

#pragma mark is the facility for XCode but it has no impact on your code. It merely helps to make it easier to find methods while coding.

In simple word we can say that #pragma mark - is used for categorizing methods, so you can find your methods easily. It is very useful for long projects.