Where to create and how to use Enum in iOS? Where to create and how to use Enum in iOS? objective-c objective-c

Where to create and how to use Enum in iOS?

In the enum you've created, s, m etc. are now available globally (i.e. to anything that imports sample.h). If you want the integer corresponding to Saturday, for example, it's just sa, not days.sa. I think you're confusing enums with structures.

For this reason, it's better to use more verbose names in your enum. Something like:

typedef enum{    WeekdaySunday = 1,    WeekdayMonday,    WeekdayTuesday,    WeekdayWednesday,    WeekdayThursday,    WeekdayFriday,    WeekdaySaturday} Weekday;

so e.g. WeekdayMonday is now just another way of writing 2 in your app, but will make your code more readable and pre-defines the possible legal values for a variable of type Weekday.

The above is fine, but for better compiler support and to ensure the size of a Weekday, I'd recommend using NS_ENUM:

typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, Weekday){    WeekdaySunday = 1,    WeekdayMonday,    WeekdayTuesday,    WeekdayWednesday,    WeekdayThursday,    WeekdayFriday,    WeekdaySaturday};

hey you use enum like this here is an example

In .h define enum

typedef enum{s=1,m,t,w,th,f,sa} days;

In .m play with enum element like this

days d1 =f;    switch (d1) {        case m:        case t:            NSLog(@"You like Tuesday");            break;        case w:        case th:            break;        case f:            NSLog(@"You like friday");            break;        case sa:            NSLog(@"You satureday");            break;        case s:            NSLog(@"You like sunday");            break;        default:            break;    }

if you want learn more click this.

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h> typedef enum{   s=1,m,t,w,th,f,sa} days; @interface weekday : NSObject @property (nonatomic, assign) days day; @end @implementation weekday @end int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {  @autoreleasepool {    weekday *sunDay=[[weekday alloc]init];    sunDay.day=s;    NSLog(@"Today is %d",sunDay.day);  }return 0;}