Where to store global constants in an iOS application? Where to store global constants in an iOS application? objective-c objective-c

Where to store global constants in an iOS application?

Well, you want the declaration local to the interfaces it relates to -- the app-wide constants file is not a good thing.

As well, it's preferable to simply declare an extern NSString* const symbol, rather than use a #define:


extern NSString* const MONAppsBaseUrl;


#import "SomeFile.h"#ifdef DEBUGNSString* const MONAppsBaseUrl = @"";#elseNSString* const MONAppsBaseUrl = @"http://website.com/";#endif

Apart from the omission of the C++ compatible Extern declaration, this is what you will generally see used in Apple's Obj-C frameworks.

If the constant needs to be visible to just one file or function, then static NSString* const baseUrl in your *.m is good.

You could also do a

#define kBaseURL @""

in a "constants" header file, say constants.h. Then do

#include "constants.h"

at the top of every file where you need this constant.

This way, you can switch between servers depending on compiler flags, as in:

#ifdef DEBUG    #define kBaseURL @""#else    #define kBaseURL @"http://myproductionserver.com/"#endif

The way I define global constants:


extern NSString* const kAppBaseURL;


#import "AppConstants.h"#ifdef DEBUGNSString* const kAppBaseURL = @"";#elseNSString* const kAppBaseURL = @"http://website.com/";#endif

Then in your {$APP}-Prefix.pch file:

#ifdef __OBJC__  #import <UIKit/UIKit.h>  #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>  #import "AppConstants.h"#endif

If you experience any problems, first make sure that you have the Precompile Prefix Header option set to NO.