xcode timed out waiting for app to launch xcode timed out waiting for app to launch objective-c objective-c

xcode timed out waiting for app to launch

None of the above tips helped me. It turned out I was using my Distribution Profile instead of the Developer Profile in Debug mode. You can check the Profile you are using by going to Build Settings->Code Signing Entity.

Make sure you are using your Developer Profile in Beta and Debug mode.

I had a similar issue when trying to debug an App with Ad-Hoc provisioning... Check which provisioning you're using, it seems ad-hoc provisioning cannot be used for debbuging.

Whenever this happens to me, I have done the following to fix the problem:

  1. Stop the app from running in Xcode.
  2. Delete the app from the device (or Simulator).
  3. Select Product > Clean from the Xcode menu.
  4. Close Xcode.
  5. Close the Simulator (or restart the device).
  6. Restart your computer (yes I know this like a Windows solution but seriously).
  7. Try again.