Ant task to check if a database (connection) exists? Ant task to check if a database (connection) exists? oracle oracle

Ant task to check if a database (connection) exists?

Starting with Ant v 1.8.0 you can use the failOnConnectionError attribute with the SQL Task.

The description reads as follows:

If false, will only print a warning message and not execute any statement if the task fails to connect to the database.

That looks like it would solve your problem.

Here is a workaround which sets a db.present property (checkpresence.sql is a simple select statement)

<target name="check-db-presence">  <echo message="Checking database presence at: ${db.url}"/>  <delete file="tmp/db.present"/>  <sql driver="${db.driver}" url="${db.url}"                     userid="${db.userName}" password="${db.password}"                     failOnConnectionError="false" onerror="continue" warningproperty="db.empty" errorproperty="db.empty"                       src="scripts/${db.platform}/checkpresence.sql"                    print="true" output="tmp/db.present"/>  <condition property="db.present">    <available file="tmp/db.present"/>  </condition></target>