Any tools to export the whole Oracle DB as SQL scripts Any tools to export the whole Oracle DB as SQL scripts oracle oracle

Any tools to export the whole Oracle DB as SQL scripts

Something like


is a good start. You can tweak it with PL/SQL and UTL_FILE to get it to write each table to a different file. You will probably need to do sequences too (though versioning them is fairly pointless), and maybe triggers/procedures/functions/packages etc.

Don't forget grants.

More general solution would be to dump DDL sql for selected list of tables, but additionally also other types of objects. This could be done by using all_objects and all_users views.

Example that worked for me:

select dbms_metadata.GET_DDL(u.object_type,u.object_name, u.owner)from  all_objects uwhere 1=1-- filter only selected object typesand u.object_type in ('TABLE', 'INDEX', 'FUNCTION', 'PROCEDURE', 'VIEW',                       'TYPE', 'TRIGGER', 'SEQUENCE')-- don't want system objects, generated, temp, invalid etc.and u.object_name not like 'SYS_%'and temporary!='Y'and generated!='Y'and status!='INVALID'and u.object_name not like 'TMP_%'and u.object_name not like '%$%'-- if you want to filter only changed from some date/timestamp:-- and u.last_ddl_time > '2014-04-02'-- filter by ownerand owner in (  select username from dba_USERS where DEFAULT_TABLESPACE not like 'SYS%'   and username not in ('ORACLE_OCM')  and username not like '%$%'  );

I wrote a python script that refreshes db schema in incremental mode based on similar sql:

  • runs sql with last_ddl_time>=max(last_ddl_time from last refresh)
  • at the end stores last_ddl_time somewhere in filesystem for next refresh


  1. oracle dbms_metadata.GET_DDL function
  2. oracle all_objects view

Have you tried Oracle's free SQLDeveloper tool? It gives you the possibility of exporting DDL and data.