BDE vs ADO in Delphi BDE vs ADO in Delphi oracle oracle

BDE vs ADO in Delphi

I don't know about Delphi 2007, but I did same thing with Delphi 7 and Oracle 8.

Here are things I did:

  • Set TAdoDataSet.CursorLocation according to query:
    • clUseClient if query fetches records for GUI and query is relatively "simple" - no grouping or sum
    • clUseServer if query have some sort of aggregation (sum, grouping, counting)
  • Set TAdoDataSet.CursorType according to query:
    • ctForwardOnly for reports where you don't need scroll back through dataset - works only with clUseServer
    • ctStatic for GUI. This is only mode that works with clUseClient
  • Set TAdoDataSet.LockType according to query:
    • ltReadOnly for every dataset that is not used for editing (grids, reports)
    • ltOptimistic when records are posted to database immediately after change (e.g. user editing data on form)
    • ltBatchOptimistic when you change large number of records. This is for situations where you fetch number of records, then do some processing on them and then send updates to database in batch. This works best combined with clUseClient and ctStatic.
  • In my experience, Microsoft OLEDB provider for Oracle worked better than Oracle OleDb provider. You should test that.
    Edit: Check Fabricio's comment about possible blob problems.
  • Replace TAdoQUery with TAdoDataSet. TAdoQuery was created for conversion of apps from BDE to ADO, but Borland/Codegear recomendation was to use TAdoDataSet
  • Recheck Oracle connection string to be sure that you do not have network latency. How long it lasts to connect to Oracle? How long is TnsPing?

i found the performance problems with ADOExpress years ago:

Note: Before ADO became a standard part of Delphi, Borland was selling it as an addon called ADOExpress. It was simply object wrappers around Microsoft's ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) COM objects.

i had tested three scenarios

  • using ADO directly (i.e. Microsoft's COM objects directly)
  • using ADOExpress (Borland's object wrappers around ADO)
  • specifying .DisableControls on the TADOQuery before calling Open

i discovered

  • use Query.DisableControls to make each call .Next 50x faster
  • use Query.Recordset.Fields.Items['columnName'].Value rather than Query.FieldByName('columnName') to make each value lookup 2.7x faster
  • using TADODataSet (verses TADOQuery) makes no difference

                                    Loop Results        Get Values ADOExpress:                         28.0s              46.6s ADOExpress w/DisableControls:        0.5s              17.0s ADO (direct use of interfaces):      0.2s               4.7s 

Note: These values are for looping 20,881 rows, and looking up the values of 21 columns.

Baseline Bad Code:

var   qry: TADOQuery;begin   qry := TADOQuery.Create(nil);   try      qry.SQL.Add(CommandText);      qry.Open;      while not qry.EOF do      begin         ...         qry.Next;      end;

Use DisableControls to make looping 5000% faster:

var   qry: TADOQuery;begin   qry := TADOQuery.Create(nil);   try       qry.DisableControls;      qry.SQL.Add(CommandText);      qry.Open;      while not qry.EOF do      begin         ...         qry.Next;      end;

Use Fields collection to make value lookups 270% faster:

var   qry: TADOQuery;begin   qry := TADOQuery.Create(nil);   try       qry.DisableControls;      qry.SQL.Add(CommandText);      qry.Open;      while not qry.EOF do      begin         value1 := VarAsString(qry.Recordset.Fields['FieldOne'].Value);         value2 := VarAsInt(qry.Recordset.Fields['FieldTwo'].Value);         value3 := VarAsInt64(qry.Recordset.Fields['FieldTwo'].Value);         value4 := VarAsFloat(qry.Recordset.Fields['FieldThree'].Value);         value5 := VarAsWideString(qry.Recordset.Fields['FieldFour'].Value);         ...         value56 := VarAsMoney(qry.Recordset.Fields['FieldFive'].Value);         qry.Next;      end;

Since it is a common enough problem, we created a helper method to solve the issue:

class function TADOHelper.Execute(const Connection: TADOConnection;        const CommandText: WideString): TADOQuery;var   rs: _Recordset;   query: TADOQuery;   nRecords: OleVariant;begin   Query := TADOQuery.Create(nil);   Query.DisableControls; //speeds up Query.Next by a magnitude   Query.Connection := Connection;   Query.SQL.Text := CommandText;   try      Query.Open();   except      on E:Exception do      begin         Query.Free;         raise;      end;   end;   Result := Query;end;

For best performance, should get a look at our Open Source direct access to Oracle.

If you are processing a lot of TQuery, without using the DB components, we have a dedicated pseudo-class to use direct OCI connection, as such:

 Q := TQuery.Create(aSQLDBConnection); try   Q.SQL.Clear; // optional   Q.SQL.Add('select * from DOMAIN.TABLE');   Q.SQL.Add('  WHERE ID_DETAIL=:detail;');   Q.ParamByName('DETAIL').AsString := '123420020100000430015';   Q.Open;   Q.First;    // optional   while not Q.Eof do begin     assert(Q.FieldByName('id_detail').AsString='123420020100000430015');     Q.Next;   end;   Q.Close;    // optional finally   Q.Free; end;

And I've added some unique access via a late-binding Variant, to write direct code as such:

procedure Test(Props: TOleDBConnectionProperties; const aName: RawUTF8);var I: ISQLDBRows;    Customer: Variant;begin  I := Props.Execute('select * from Domain.Customers where Name=?',[aName],@Customer);  while I.Step do    writeln(Customer.Name,' ',Customer.FirstName,' ',Customer.Address);end;var Props: TOleDBConnectionProperties;begin  Props := TSQLDBOracleConnectionProperties.Create(    'TnsName','UserName','Password',CODEPAGE_US);  try    Test(Props,'Smith');  finally    Props.Free;  end;end;

Note that all OleDB providers are buggy for handling BLOBs: Microsoft's version just do not handle them, and Oracle's version will randomly return null for 1/4 of rows...

On real database, I found out our direct OCI classes to be 2 to 5 times faster than the OleDB provider, without the need to install this provider. You can even use the Oracle Instant Client provided by Oracle which allows you to run your applications without installing the standard (huge) Oracle client or having an ORACLE_HOME. Just deliver the dll files in the same directory than your application, and it will work.