Behavior of Sequence in Oracle Merge Statements Behavior of Sequence in Oracle Merge Statements oracle oracle

Behavior of Sequence in Oracle Merge Statements

I have found the answer. As per Oracle documentation, the sequence will be incremented for each merged record and it does not matter how many records are actually inserted.

You can solve this by using a function to increment the value like this

CREATE OR REPLACEFUNCTION seq_nextval_on_demand (p_seq_name  IN  VARCHAR2)  RETURN NUMBERIS  v_seq_val  NUMBER;BEGIN  EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'select ' || p_seq_name || '.nextval from dual'     INTO v_seq_val;  RETURN v_seq_val;END seq_nextval_on_demand;

the logic is function is called only when "insert" branch of merge statement is really used.

for further refer this