Complex select statement in oracle Complex select statement in oracle oracle oracle

Complex select statement in oracle

The analytical LAG function will pair up the dates for you. This will pair up the current/previous dates:

SELECT  Client_ID,  Communication_Date AS PreviousCom_Date,  LAG(Communication_Date) OVER (    PARTITION BY Client_ID    ORDER BY Communication_Date DESC) AS LastCom_DateFROM PrevTable;

Then there's the problem of making sure only rows with "Previous" and "Last" values are included, unless like Client_ID 1003 there's only one row in the source table. That can be taken care of by counting the Client_ID rows and checking for (a) only one row for the client or (b) if more than one row for the client then both dates must have values:

SELECT * FROM (  SELECT    Client_ID,    Communication_Date AS PreviousCom_Date,    LAG(Communication_Date) OVER (      PARTITION BY Client_ID      ORDER BY Communication_Date DESC) AS LastCom_Date,    COUNT(*) OVER (      PARTITION BY Client_ID) AS DatePair_Count  FROM PrevTable  )WHERE DatePair_Count = 1   OR (PreviousCom_Date IS NOT NULL AND LastCom_Date IS NOT NULL)

Just precede the above query with CREATE TABLE whatever AS and it will create the new table.

There's a SQL Fiddle of the SELECT statement here.