Connect by query Connect by query oracle oracle

Connect by query

Disclaimer: My primary experience belongs to Oracle DBMS, so pay attention to details if applying solution to Postgres.

Where clause applied after full hierarchy already built, therefore in original query database engine started retrieving data with specified resource_name at any level and building a full tree for each found record. Filtering occurs only on the next step.

  1. Oracle selects the root row(s) of the hierarchy—those rows that satisfy the START WITH condition.

  2. Oracle selects the child rows of each root row. Each child row must satisfy the condition of the CONNECT BY condition with respect to one of the root rows.

  3. Oracle selects successive generations of child rows. Oracle first selects the children of the rows returned in step 2, and then the children of those children, and so on. Oracle always selects children by evaluating the CONNECT BY condition with respect to a current parent row.

  4. If the query contains a WHERE clause without a join, then Oracle eliminates all rows from the hierarchy that do not satisfy the condition of the WHERE clause. Oracle evaluates this condition for each row individually, rather than removing all the children of a row that does not satisfy the condition.

To optimize this situation query must be changed as follows(hierarchy reversed to more natural top-down order):

select   level, rh.* from   resource_hierarchy rhstart with   (resource_name = 'countryName')  and   (parent_id is null) -- roots onlyconnect by   prior resource_id = parent_id  and            -- at each step get only required records  resource_name = (    case level       when 1 then 'countryName'      when 2 then 'stateName'      when 3 then 'townName'      when 4 then 'areaName'      else null    end  )

Same query may be writed on the basis of CTE syntax (Oracle recursive subquery factoring).
Following is a variant for PostgreSQL CTE, corrected according to @Karthik_Murugan suggestion:

with RECURSIVE hierarchy_query(lvl, resource_id) as (    select      1               lvl,       rh.resource_id  resource_id    from      resource_hierarchy rh    where     (resource_name = 'countryName') and (parent_id is null)   union all    select      hq.lvl+1        lvl,      rh.resource_id  resource_id    from      hierarchy_query    hq,      resource_hierarchy rh    where      rh.parent_id = hq.resource_id      and      -- at each step get only required records      resource_name = (        case (hq.lvl + 1)          when 2 then 'stateName'          when 3 then 'townName'          when 4 then 'areaName'          else null        end      ))select  hq.lvl, rh.*from  hierarchy_query    hq,  resource_hierarchy rhwhere  rh.resource_id = hq.resource_idorder by  hq.lvl

It's only half of the work because we need to help database engine to locate records by creating appropriate indexes.
Query above contains two search actions:
1. Locate records to start with;
2. Choose records on each next level.

For the first action, we need to index resource_name field and, possible, parent_id field.
For the second action fields parent_id and resource_name must be indexed.

create index X_RESOURCE_HIERARCHY_ROOT on RESOURCE_HIERARCHY (resource_name);create index X_RESOURCE_HIERARCHY_TREE on RESOURCE_HIERARCHY (parent_id, resource_name);

Maybe creating only X_RESOURCE_HIERARCHY_TREE index is enough. It depends on characteristics of data stored in a table.

P.S. String for each level can be constructed from full path by using substr and instr functions like in this example for Oracle:

with prm as (  select     '/countryName/stateName/townName/areaName/' location_path   from dual)select   substr(location_path,    instr(location_path,'/',1,level)+1,    instr(location_path,'/',1,level+1)-instr(location_path,'/',1,level)-1  )          from prm connect by level < 7

select      LEVEL,      resource_id,      resource_type,      resource_name,      parent_id from        resource_hierarchy connect by prior parent_id = resource_id start with UPPER(resource_name)= UPPER(:resource_name);

Using this approach, you would not have to use the CASE statements. Just mentioning the resource Name would fetch the parent hierarchies.

A slightly different query to what @ThinkJet came up with. This works in EDB and gives expected results.

WITH RECURSIVE rh (resource_id, resource_name, parent_id, level) AS (       SELECT resource_id, resource_name, parent_id, 1 as level FROM resource_hierarchy    where resource_name = 'countryName' AND parent_id IS NULL    UNION ALL    SELECT cur.resource_id, cur.resource_name, cur.parent_id, level+1 FROM resource_hierarchy cur, rh prev WHERE cur.parent_id = prev.resource_id AND         cur.resource_name = (                    CASE level                     WHEN 3 THEN 'areaName'                    WHEN 2 THEN 'townName'                    WHEN 1 THEN 'stateName'                    END                 ))SELECT * FROM rh

Edit: This query may match even partial matches, but we can always make sure that number of records = number of URL elements.Also if the URL has just one element (like /countryName), remove the UNION part from above query to get the expected result.