Connect to Oracle DB from Spring-jdbc with Oracle Wallet authentification Connect to Oracle DB from Spring-jdbc with Oracle Wallet authentification oracle oracle

Connect to Oracle DB from Spring-jdbc with Oracle Wallet authentification

You mention "simple application test" so I'm assuming you need to configure your unit tests. In a unit test config class (for example class TestSpringWebConfig extends SpringWebConfig) this gets you an Oracle datasource using a wallet (bonus: the following uses a proxy database account):

System.setProperty("", "path/to/your/tnsnames");OracleDataSource ds = new OracleDataSource();Properties props = new Properties();props.put("", "(source=(method=file)(method_data=(directory=path/to/your/wallet)))");/*  Use the following only if you have a proxy user database account instead of a normal DB account  A test user's username could go here though*/props.put(OracleConnection.CONNECTION_PROPERTY_PROXY_CLIENT_NAME, "proxy-user-name"); ds.setConnectionProperties( props );ds.setURL("jdbc:oracle:thin:/@dbAlias"); //dbAlias should match what's in your tnsnamesreturn ds;

This also assumes you have the following in your JDK:

In JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/, add the following to the "List of providers":

And add the following jars from Oracle to JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext:

  • osdt_cert.jar
  • osdt_core.jar
  • oraclepki.jar

And of course, all of the above assumes the ojdbc7 jar is in your application's classpath already.